Please go to the Upcoming events tab to see what we have planned coming up next! And save the date for our annual meeting in September - exciting things are in store!
ISABB Seeking New Board Members and President elect nomination 
ISABB is in the process of identifying individuals who would be interested in serving the organization in the following role:
2025-2027 Board Member
The Board Members are elected annually at the Annual Meeting. Their term begins at the conclusion of the Meeting and are held for two years. All Board Members must be paid members in good standing. 
The primary time commitment for all Board Members is to attend the monthly Board Meetings, which are held the first Thursday of every month, via conference call. The meetings generally last 1 hour. Board Members are expected to attend at least 9 out of 12 meetings throughout the course of the year in order to be considered an active participant. Non-participating individuals may be asked to step down from their role at discretion of the President. During these meetings, you will have the opportunity to contribute to the organization by: 
• Voting! Periodically, motions will be made before the Board that require approval. Examples of motions that require a vote include approving an expense or changing a policy. In addition, the Board votes in July/August for the Victor Muller Award honoree.
• Planning for education events, such as the Annual Meeting, Collaborative Symposium, and Indy Nights, take place all year long. ISABB needs diverse perspectives to provide insight as to what issues and topics would provide the most value to the individuals who would attend.
• Sharing information, such as upcoming meeting dates, that you learn at the Board Meetings with your co-workers.
President Elect Nomination
The President-Elect is elected at the Annual Meeting and assumes the role of President at the next Annual Meeting, assuming all of the duties of President listed above at that time. The President-Elect may assume the duties of the President in their absence, and may perform the duties of the Treasurer if the Treasurer becomes unable to perform their duties. 
For more information, please contact info@isabb.org