Dr. Victor Muller discusses a research project
with a clinical instructor in the laboratory

This award was established in 1991 to honor Victor Muller, MD for outstanding achievement in the field of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine. This award recognizes an individual who has consistently demonstrated a commitment of excellence towards education, science, patient care and community service in relation to the field of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine.
Recipient criteria is:
  • An individual may be a member or nonmember of ISABB.
  • An individual who has given many years of dedicated service to the field of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine. Specifically:
    • An individual who has contributed substantially to the field of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine in the area of applied research, education and bench application -or-
    • An individual who has concerned themselves with the educational advancements and technical training of persons interested in the field of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine -or-
    • An individual who, through dissemination of administrative duties, has enhanced and fostered the growth of the field of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine -or-
    • An individual who, through their work in the field of Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine, has inspired co-workers and/or students to work and contribute to this field, -or-
    • An individual who has given outstanding service to the community.
ISABB members are encouraged to nominate individuals. The Board/Nominating Committee will make the final selection. They may request a C.V. on the person nominated. This award may be given posthumously.  Nominations can be submitted via e-mail to

ISABB Victor Muller Award Recipients

1991: Narcissa Hocker, M.S., MT(ASCP)SBB
1992: Margaret Ball, M.D.
1993: Margaret E. Waid, M.D.
1994: Ruth Lee, SBB(ASCP)
1995: Robert McDougal, M.D.
1996: Judith Charnley, MT(ASCP)
1997: Leo J. McCarthy, M.D., F.R.C.P. Edin/Ire
1998: Sandra Rothenberger, M.S., MT(ASCP)SBB
2000: David E. Jenkins Jr., M.D.
2001: Jan Jansen, M.D.
2002: William R. Henneberry, MT(ASCP)SBB
2003: Jeanette B. Wilson, MT(ASCP)BB
2004: Joseph E. Sitzman, SBB(ASCP)
2005: Nancy S. Chance, MLT(ASCP),RMT(HEW)
2006: Richard A. Gerren, MT
2007: John A. Griep, M.D.                              
2008: Jayanna K. Slayten, M.S., MT(ASCP)SBB
2009: Janice K. Stuckey, M.S., MT(ASCP)BB
2010: Nancy Gurney, M.B.A., M.S., MT(ASCP)SBB
2011: George E. Branam, M.D.
2012: Dan A. Waxman, M.D.
2013: Rochelle Strong, RN
2014: Judy Lyzak, M.D.
2015: Constance Danielson, M.D.
2016: Bobbie Colette Sutton, M.D., Ph.D.
2017: John Weidner, MT(ASCP)
2018: Daniel S. Smith, M.D.
2019: Kimberly Waters, MSN, RN, CPHQ
2020: Lizabeth Hughes, MT(ASCP), CMQ/OE(ASQ)
2021: Adrianne Opp, MSN, RN, AGCNS
2022: Julia R. Crosby, MT(ASCP)BB
2023: Tricia Albers, MT (ASCP)